Participants are encouraged to co-design their course with a fellow faculty member, postdoc, graduate student, and/or undergraduate teaching assistant(s). Participants will also have the option to work with the Swearer Center to incorporate elements of Community-Based Learning and Research (CBLR) course designation. All disciplines are welcome to apply.
COEX Course Design Institute
- May 1, 2024: Request for proposals due
- June 4-6, 2024: 3-day COEX Course Design Institute
- Academic Year 2024-2025: Participant course offered; feedback and evaluation collected
- May 2025: Cohort recognized at University Teaching Award Ceremony
- Participation in the COEX Course Design Institute, June 4-6, 2024
- Participation in individual consultations with Sheridan staff
- Development or redesign of a course that integrates research as a core pedagogy for CCC approval
- Implementation of designed or redesigned course, or COEX module within a course in AY 24-25
- Participation in a student COEX poster session the semester your course is offered
- Collection of feedback from students during the course
- Willingness to assess course effectiveness
Upon successful completion of the program requirements, participants will receive a $1,000 payable as a research award.
Please submit a completed application by Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.
For more information, contact
Previous CURE Design Institute Awardees and Courses
Prior to establishing the COEX curricular designation, the Sheridan Center hosted CURE Institute in January 2019 with sponsorship from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). The names of participants and their respective courses are listed here:
Tyler Kartzinel: Conservation in the Genomics Age (BIOL 1515/2015)
Adapting CUREs to Remote Instruction
- Fulvio Domini: Experimental analysis of vision for action and vision for perception: Are there separate mechanisms? (CLPS)
- Daniel Harris: Advanced Fluid Mechanics (ENGN 1860)
- Eric Victor: Inorganic Chemistry (CHEM 0500)
- Ruth Colwill & Andrea Megela Simmons: Life Under Water in the Anthropocene (CLPS)
- Alexander Fleischmann & Monica Linden: Open-Source Big Data Neuroscience Lab (NEUR)
- Louis Lapierre & Joslyn Mills-Bonal: Characterizing the Aging Process Using Caenorhabditis elegans and Reverse Genetics (BIOL)
- Daniel Harris: Advanced Fluid Mechanics (ENGN 1860)
- Neil Sarkar & Elizabeth Chen: Methods in Informatics and Data Science for Health (BIOL 1555)
Sheridan CURE Workshop Resources
If you are interested in learning more about CUREs, or thinking about how to incorporate authentic research experiences into your own course, here are some helpful resources:
- Aligning Research and Learning Goals (presentation)
- Goals Alignment Template
- Backward Design Guidelines to Building your CURE course
- CURE Syllabus Template
- Sheridan Inclusive Teaching Newsletter on Integrating Research in STEM & Social Science Courses
- CUREnet offers resources, runs free workshops, and cultivates a community of CURE instructors