Registration for the Summer 2024 Program has now closed. Please see the Sheridan website for information about our suite of English Language Support options.
The 2024 program will take place in person from August 5th to August 16th with a maximum capacity of 25 students. Master’s and Ph.D. students in any discipline who are beginning their academic programs on campus in Summer or Fall 2024 can use this Google Form to apply by 11:59 pm EST, June 1. If you are unable to access the Google Form or if you have any questions, please contact Dr. Joy Shuyuan Liu, Assistant Director of English Language Support, at
The Summer English Language Program (ELP) is a two-week pre-orientation program that aims to equip incoming international graduate students for whom English is not a primary language with the language skills to feel confident and successful in navigating their academic contexts. Throughout the program, participants are oriented to key knowledge and skills for competent and confident participation in a range of essential academic communicative events and genres, including email writing, small talk, academic discussions in classrooms and research group meetings (RGM), relationship building with academic advisors, giving academic presentations, and writing with sources. By the end of the program, participants will practice social and academic English language skills in low-stakes contexts, receive direct and tailored feedback from English Language Support, connect with staff and university resources and services, and interact with other graduate students from a variety of academic disciplines.