If you are interested in learning more about COEX courses, or thinking about how to incorporate authentic research experiences into your own course, here are some helpful resources.
- Sheridan Workshop Resources
- CUREnet offers resources, runs free workshops, and cultivates a community of CURE instructors
- In addition to the references at the end of this page, we recommend the following reading on CUREs:
- Cooper, K. M., et al. (2017). "Define Your Goals Before You Design a CURE: A Call to Use Backward Design in Planning Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences." Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education 18(2): 18.12.30.
- Shortlidge, E. E., Bangera, G., & Brownell, S. E. (2017). Each to Their Own CURE: Faculty Who Teach Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences Report Why You Too Should Teach a CURE. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 18(2), 18.12.29. doi:10.1128/jmbe.v18i2.1260