The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning

Provost’s Faculty Teaching Fellows

The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce a call for faculty to serve as Provost’s Faculty Teaching Fellows in the Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning. This new program seeks to build a cohort of senior faculty who will enhance the culture of teaching and learning at Brown. This is a two-year role, with the option to continue in a mentorship role in the third year.

Provost’s Faculty Teaching Fellows will:

Collaborate with Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning academic staff to serve as a peer facilitator. Priority is given to faculty who wish to co-facilitate one or more of the following initiatives, which currently or will involve important contributions from Fellows:

Consideration will also be given to faculty who wish to propose a new faculty learning community that they would facilitate for two to three years, on a topic related to Sheridan’s mission and five-year strategic plan.

In addition to a focal initiative, Fellows:

  • attend Sheridan Center advisory groups meetings (generally, two per term).
  • Participate as co-facilitators in the Launch New Faculty Teaching Orientation
  • Fellows are also occasionally asked, pending availability, to optionally engage with Sheridan Center staff in professional learning (e.g., invitations to events or meetings with visiting experts) or engage in other Sheridan Center activities to advance teaching and learning at and beyond Brown. These activities include faculty roundtables to spotlight your teaching innovations to other Brown instructors, as well as conference presentations, to highlight Sheridan’s work to the broader higher education community.

Participate in selection of new cohort and mentor these colleagues.

In appreciation for this work, Provost’s Faculty Teaching Fellows will receive an annual research stipend ($5000 in Years 1-2; $2500 in Year 3) to carry out their project or engage in conference travel. (For example, past fellows have presented at the Accelerating Systemic Change Network annual meeting and the American Association of Colleges and Universities annual meeting and PKAL conferences.) 

Faculty are welcome (and encouraged) to use the title “Provost’s Faculty Teaching Fellow” during the years they are engaged in the program.

Nomination and Appointment Process

Eligible applicants include senior faculty (Sr Lecturer, Distinguished Sr Lecturer, Professor of Practice, Associate Professor, Professor) with an ongoing appointment that runs through 2024-2026. Faculty must be available at least two years (2022-24) to participate. To encourage distributed leadership, priority is given to applicants who are not currently serving as Fellows.

Deans and chairs are invited to nominate faculty to serve in this role, but faculty are also encouraged to self-nominate.

By Wednesday, May 1, 2024, faculty should submit a 1-2 page letter of interest to, to include the following:

  • Prior work with the Sheridan Center and with faculty learning communities, including any engagement with the initiatives listed above.
  • A provisional description of 1-2 peer facilitation roles in which you would like to engage in 2024-26 (see list above). Please also tell us why these are of interest to you.
  • Because these roles involve collaboration with Sheridan Center staff, please speak to your philosophy of faculty-staff engagement (e.g., prior experience and strategies you envision to make these collaborations successful and mutually beneficial). 
  • What would you hope to get out of the program? What would make it successful for you?
  • A commitment to engage in two years of the fellowship.

Fellows will be selected based on recommendation of current Provost’s Faculty Teaching Fellows and needs of the Sheridan Center, with final approval from the Provost. Notification will take place by June 21, 2024.

The Sheridan Center invites questions or discussion of preliminary ideas. Please contact us if you would like us to follow up with you.

Past Fellows

2022-2023/4 Provost Faculty Teaching Fellows

  • Kellie Forrester, Economics
  • Bradford Gibbs, Economics
  • Emily Hipchen, Nonfiction Writing Program, English
  • Emily Kalejs Qazilbash, Education
  • Jeremy Lehnen, Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
  • David Williams, School of Public Health

2020-2023 Provost Faculty Teaching Fellows

  • Ruth Colwill, Cognitive and Psychological Sciences
  • Monica Linden, Neuroscience
  • Sylvia Kuo, Economics
  • Jonathan Readey, Nonfiction Writing Program, English
  • Patricia Sobral, Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
  • James Valles, Physics