The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning

Apply to Be a Tutor

Develop your skills by helping your peers.

Are you interested in strengthening your teaching, presentation, and leadership skills? The Tutoring Program is looking for students like you who are passionate about teaching and learning and helping others achieve their academic goals. Prior tutoring or TA experience is not required. Open positions are posted in Workday and are linked below.

Fall semester openings coming soon.


Academic Tutoring Program Tutor Job Overview

Academic group tutors are trained undergraduates who support student learning and development. Group tutors meet weekly with a small group of students (~6) to review key lecture topics, foster critical thinking through peer-to-peer dialogue, and develop students' problem-solving skills and learning strategies.

All tutors are expected to attend tutor training held at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semester, generally the first Saturday following the first day of classes.

Tutors are expected to attend monthly team meetings. Team meetings give tutors the opportunity to connect with fellow peer tutors to build community, discuss course specific trends, ask questions, discuss group tutoring challenges, and provide guidance other tutors.

New tutors observe a veteran tutor before opening their own group.

Tutors meet with the Associate Director to review tutee mid-semester feedback.

  • Sheridan Center sponsored professional development workshops 
  • Leadership and mentoring opportunities
  • Tutor end of semester questionnaire (Dec/May) is emailed to all tutors allowing them to offer program feedback/experience.
  • Tutors also provide feedback during one-on-one mid-semester meetings or at any time throughout the academic year.

$18 per hour