Patricia Sobral (2020-23)
Patricia was a co-facilitator in the Seminar for Transformation around Anti-Racist Teaching (START), and in 2022, she was a panelist on the Sheridan Center roundtable, "How I Support Internationally-Identifying Students." In Fall 2022, she facilitated a faculty learning community for those who wanted to continue engagement with the START community.
Being a Provost’s Faculty Teaching Fellow has been an enriching experience on many fronts. I have had the opportunity to work with members of the Sheridan Center, Fellows, and colleagues in departments across the university and co-develop and facilitate the Seminar for Transformation Around Anti-Racist Teaching (START). These connections have allowed me to collaborate with others and dive deeply into innovative, student-centered, inclusive pedagogies. It has been a transformative and community-building experience that I will carry with me.