An Cao
Hi! My name is An and I am a junior concentrating in Math and Computer Science. I am a former mathlete, enjoy taking on challenging problems and am curious about anything in the field of mathematics and science in general. I have taken a variety of math classes at Brown and would love to offer any insights into our math department. Outside of the classroom, I have been working as a full-stack developer, game programmer, and doing research in AI fields. I am really excited to work as a Problem Solving Fellow and help enhance educational experience at Brown!
Taking UNIV 1110 "The Theory and Teaching of Problem Solving" has been a transformative experience for my educational path. Since then, I have worked as TA within the Math, Computer Science, and East Asian studies departments, where I actively practice effective teaching strategies and facilitate supportive learning environments. I am also greatly involved in volunteering to tutor math and science subjects for high school students as well as partaking in math outreach programs at Brown. I look forward to working with you so please don't hesitate to reach me at my email!